Estate Planning in Cincinnati, Ohio

Chris Diedling proudly serves clients with Estate Planning primarily in the Southern region of Ohio, including Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, and Warren counties. As an Ohio licensed attorney Chris is able to service clients all over the state. If you live in Ohio, but far from our office, we can still make arrangements to facilitate an Estate Plan signing in your area.

What is Estate Planning?

An estate plan is a personalized collection of legal documents that define the proper management of your assets during life, through disability, and after death.

Nearly half of the people in the United States pass away without a Will or any kind of Estate Plan. Many people avoid the topic of planning for what happens after their death because it can be uncomfortable. Others mistakenly believe that an estate plan is unnecessary for themselves, especially if they are unmarried, without children, or do not have significant assets. Regardless of wealth or the family situation, everyone can benefit from an Estate Plan. Leaving a comprehensive, legally sound Estate Plan is one of the best gifts you can leave to your loved ones.

Chris Diedling writing law

Dying without an Estate Plan means that the Ohio Law decides how your assets will be distributed. This means that a Probate Court will need to appoint someone to administer your Estate to your heirs at law. Probate Administration comes with many rules and requirements that can complicate and delay the process of administering your Estate. Probate Administration often takes unnecessary time and exorbitant money to accomplish, and it can lead to results that are nothing like what you would have wanted for your family.

A Will allows you to define who will inherit your estate. A Trust can accomplish many goals, including avoiding Probate entirely, preserving wealth, and protecting young and vulnerable beneficiaries.

Chris is an educator to his clients when it comes to every aspect of Estate Planning. Chris counsels clients about the available Estate Planning tools and helps them make the best and most practical decisions for their circumstances.

Chris offers comprehensive Estate Planning services to address your unique circumstances and needs. Estate Planning services include:

  • Last Will and Testament
  • Durable Power of Attorney for Legal and Financial Matters
  • Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
  • Living Will
  • Advanced Directive for Funeral Arrangements
  • HIPAA Release Authorization
  • Prenuptial Agreement
  • Transfer-On-Death Beneficiary Designations
  • Revocable Living Trust 
  • Probate Avoidance Trust
  • Family Distribution Trust
  • Generation Protection Trust
  • Life Insurance Trust
  • Firearm Trust
  • Special Needs Trust
  • Irrevocable Trust
  • Medicaid Asset Protection
  • Ohio Legacy Trust
Christopher Diedling, Attorney in Cincinnati

How Chris Approaches Estate Planning

Chris takes a comprehensive approach to Estate Planning. Chris’s goals are to ensure that your assets go to the right people at the right time, that you have appropriate plans and directives in place in the event of your disability or incapacity, and to limit the cost and delay of administration by avoiding probate