Family Law in Cincinnati, Ohio

Chris Diedling proudly serves clients with family law matters in the Ohio counties of Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, and Warren. Chris offers personalized legal services for those facing any kind of family law issues.

What is Family Law?

Family law is the area of the law that includes divorce and custody. However, family law includes a wide range of areas. Just as every family has its different characteristics, every family law case is unique. As you and your family face these difficult challenges, it is important to have an Attorney on your side to find equitable solutions for your specific needs and goals.

In Ohio, family law matters can include the following:

Cincinnati Family Law
  • Dissolution
  • Divorce
  • Asset/Debt Division
  • Spousal Support
  • Child Custody
  • Child Support
  • Paternity Establishment
  • Domestic Violence Civil Protection Orders
  • Grandparent Rights
  • Adoption
  • Post-Decree Litigation/Contempt
  • Prenuptial Agreements
Christopher Diedling, Attorney in Cincinnati

How Chris Approaches Family Law

Chris takes a straightforward approach to Family Law while recognizing that most matters can be dynamic and ever-changing. Chris works in collaboration with his clients to help them make informed decisions and work toward their desired outcome. Chris provides honest and candid advice often telling clients what they need to hear, not simply what they’d like to hear. Chris’ approach to litigation and adversarial situations is to first engage in interest-based negotiation from a position of strength. Chris advises his clients that there is a time to go to trial and a time to stay at the negotiation table. Chris’ strengths as an attorney are based in diligent preparation and thorough understanding of the applicable law.